Eresus walckenaeri (Orange Ring Velvet Spider)


Mature Female Available!

Geographical Distribution: Eastern Mediterranean

Care: Keep on the drier side. One to two inches of SLIGHTLY moistened coco fiber with sphagnum moss on top. A couple drops of water along the side once a week will suffice for water requirements. Fruit flies are a good food source for the first few molts, after, 1/8”-1/4” crickets work well. They are good feeders and will often come out of their web burrow to actively hunt food. Temperatures in the mid 70s F work well (~24C).

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Mature Female Available!

Geographical Distribution: Eastern Mediterranean

Care: Keep on the drier side. One to two inches of SLIGHTLY moistened coco fiber with sphagnum moss on top. A couple drops of water along the side once a week will suffice for water requirements. Fruit flies are a good food source for the first few molts, after, 1/8”-1/4” crickets work well. They are good feeders and will often come out of their web burrow to actively hunt food. Temperatures in the mid 70s F work well (~24C).

Mature Female Available!

Geographical Distribution: Eastern Mediterranean

Care: Keep on the drier side. One to two inches of SLIGHTLY moistened coco fiber with sphagnum moss on top. A couple drops of water along the side once a week will suffice for water requirements. Fruit flies are a good food source for the first few molts, after, 1/8”-1/4” crickets work well. They are good feeders and will often come out of their web burrow to actively hunt food. Temperatures in the mid 70s F work well (~24C).